Chapter 13

Sinhye Mun
1 min readMay 21, 2021

Underland without the Queen

  1. What theory did Puddleglum have about the strange events in Underworld? Said Puddleglum. The witch cast a magic spell so that every time she died, her whole kingdom would be shattered. If she knew that the man who killed her would burn, bury, or fall in five minutes, she wouldn’t care too much about dying herself.

2. Why didn’t the Prince want to put on his armor? What happened to his shield? What did he think it meant? The prince said the armor smelled of magic and slavery. An hour ago, the shield was black and had no device, but the shield turned bright silver, and the shield showed a lion redder than blood or cherries. This means that Aslan will be a good lord. Aslan whether we live or die. It’s all one.

3. How does Jill’s attitude toward the horses show about her courage and character?


This is indeed a clever and horrible Witch we have come across if the suppositions of our main characters are correct. This chapter reveals to us that the Witch’s enchantments do not end upon her death. Instead, in her final act, the Witch is going to bring complete destruction upon the entire Underworld, essentially attempting genocide, all in the sake of revenge after she is already gone.

